{ over 100 stained glass classes taught / invited to over 15 art residencies / public art / international exhibitions}

Art Residencies
Art residencies Joseph Cavalieri has been invited to and has attended:
- Bethany Arts Community, New York (2024)
- Vanha Paukku in Lapua, Finland (2022 / photo above)
- GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, Reading, PA (2018)
- Sacatar Foundation in Bahia, Brazil (2011 and 2017)
- Torpedo Factory, Alexandria, VA (2014 and 2017)
- Uroboros Glass, Portland, OR (2016)
- The Studios of Key West, Florida (2012)
- Lo Studio dei Nipoti, Monasterace, Italy (2012)
- Museum of Arts and Design, NYC (2010)
- Sydney College for the Arts (2010)
- Sanskriti Kendra in Delhi, India (2010)
- Australian National University, Australia (2010)
- Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (2010)
- North Lands Creative Glass, Scotland (2008)
- Vermont Studio Center (2017 and 2019)
- Penland School of Craft, Winter Residency, NC (2022)